
The best thing about THE CURRENT, in my opinion, is the discussion. It is open, non-judgmental and always on point. People are free to voice their opinions and sometimes we agree to disagree.
The discussions, both before and during worship, and during the week, give participants a chance to practice their thoughts in an accepting environment.
The worship service is modern, yet not radical. We begin with meditation as a time to tune in to the Divine frequency of life. The homily is followed by discussion in such a way that the sharing in small groups becomes part of it.
The prayers are not petitions to the Almighty, but sharing the energy of Great Spirit.
We celebrate communion, open to all, baptized or not baptized, no membership or particular faith orientation required. This reminds us of our Teacher, Jesus, and the purpose of our spiritual journeying. I always leave the service filled with new energy and a well-being about life.
Our pastor, Michael, is congenial, accepting, affirming, and sets an environment of open community. He is one of the best read persons in religion I have ever met. He challenges us to re-think what we have learned about Christianity and helps us develop new connections between modern science and our beliefs about God. I find this exciting and have never found such a positive and ever expanding connection between science and faith in any church where I have worshiped.
We are an experiment, a living laboratory of discovery about what a faith community of the future might become. We are Christians living in a period of change between faith communities with buildings and tight organization, membership requirements and traditional expectations, and communities of faith that are small, fluid, adaptable, and accepting of diversity.
— Hugh N. Blair, retired teacher, long term care executive, and pastor
I met Pastor Michael many years ago, through our music careers. At the time he was the Music Director at FCC and I collaborated with the church band on many occasions. Every time I played with them, I left The Current thinking how there was always something in that service that resonated with me and/or made me think of things differently.
The Current is important to me because it provides a welcoming environment; an open-minded frame to approach spirituality whilst acknowledging and respecting the congregation’s varied religious and cultural backgrounds, sexual orientation, race, ethnicities, and nationalities.
Pastor Michael is an extremely bright, progressive, funny, and down to earth person. He encourages everyone to actively participate in every aspect of the service, especially during small groups discussion after his Ted-talk style presentation. I have found in The Current an avenue for spirituality, service and camaraderie. I consider its members more than parishioners; they are my friends.
— Alex Fine

We have been celebrating the incredible, infinite presence of our Creator among The Current faith community for over two years. The stimulating and challenging words of Pastor Michael Junkroski, and the discussion that follows, fosters a community where all thoughts and ideas are not only welcome, but encouraged. There is time for silence and meditation, as well as inspiring, contemporary music which carries thoughtful lyrics of hope and inspiration. We’re so grateful to be a part of this exciting and innovative community.
— Mac & Joyce Hamon

I have found a loving caring family at The Current.
— Susan McGinnes

So welcoming and spiritually fulfilling!
— Charlotte Elaine Self Davis